Sunday, October 31, 2010

30/365 Saturday 30th October 2010

Mum and Dad always go to such trouble when it is their turn to share the Saturday meal. This week was a delicious spread starting with Miso soup, followed by chicken marinated in miran and sake (I think I remembered correctly) accompanied by pork in a miso broth with lots of vegetables. Truly delicious.

29/365 Friday 29th October 2010

Queensland celebrated World Teachers Day today. As part of the assembly all staff received a certificate and I was one of a couple recognised for 10 years continuous service with Education Queensland. Two got medals for 20 years and the Principal received one for 25 years!

38/365 Thursday 28th October 2010

I was a facilitator for DPL training at the QAHS, this is a photo of the screen whilst Adrian Greig at the Learning Innovation Centre was sharing his expertise on operating safely and ethically via iConnect.

37/365 Wednesday 27th October 2010

The lovely Tanya Sutton managed to squeeze a visit in, she's touring schools on the South Coast who are exemplars of digital pedagogy. Afterwards we went to the Coffee Club to debrief and have a laugh!

36/365 Tuesday 26th October 2010

I'm working with two friends from another school on a collaborative project to make using the persuasive writing we have to do in preparation for NAPLAN worthwhile! Last week we made it to the trending topics on our Department activity stream! A proud moment!

34 & 35 /365 Sunday 24th 25th October 2010

I haven't kept up this week, it's report writing time so there will be a couple of last minute photos added. This is Chunkmeister, our Tonkinese cat surveying the kitchen. He is a moany cat, always on the scrounge for biscuits!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

33/365 Saturday 23 October 2010

Out for dinner last night with Twitter buddies.

31/365 & 32/365 - Thursday & Friday

I was taking photos all day of and with the children at school. This is still a legitimate entry because it is emphasising how restricted we are at school in sharing with our global networks. With good reason, but sometimes it does create frustration.

30/365 Wednesday 20th October 2010

Mum made some of her special biscuit slice, absolutely delicious, and gave me a piece for my lunch tomorrow! #goingbackintime!
An online meeting, chatting about the QSITE 2011 conference using Elluminate to connect a number of us as we sit in the comfort of our own homes!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

28/365 Monday 18 October

Back at the doctor's again, mum and dad inside, I waited in the carpark in a shady spot. He has a lovely garden.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

27/365 Sunday

Hubby and I went to the garden centre to find some ground cover plants. Didn't get any but we did find a dinosaur!

26/365 Saturday October 16th 2010

A most beautiful day after two weeks of rain.

25/365 Friday October 15th 2010

A couple of doctor's surgeries. On the road moving Dad between X Ray centres and doctor appointments. A stroke confirmed and advised not to fly to Japan as he had planned.

24/365 Thursday October 14th 2010

I didn't get a photo. After day 2 of DPL training I got a phone call from my mum saying Dad had had a mild stroke, so I got myself over to their place.

23/365 Wednesday October 13th 2010

Today and tomorrow are training days for the Digital Pedagogy Licence I am leading with three others. This photo is taken during the first day which was great, our hash tag actually became the Learning Place Activity Feed trending topic!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

22/365 Bird of Paradise

I noticed this beautiful flower in the shopping centre carpark near school this afternoon.

21/365 Monday, October 11 2010

The weather forecast is for rain ALL week! Not the best outlook for a class of Year 2/3 children!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

20/365 10th of the 10th 2010

Photo taken with PhotoBooth at 10.38, wish I'd thought to do it at 10am!!

19/365 Saturday night out

Spent the day updating on the role of the sessional tutor at Griffith University, darling hubby sent a text message to say we were out on a date at 5.30 pm! We went to Caxton Street for dinner then on to The Barracks for a movie - he has been busting to take a coffee in to drink whilst viewing and sit in comfy seats!

18/365 Friday 8th October

It was a long day on Friday, decided on noodles for dinner.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

17/365 In the blink of an eye!


Just as well I took a photo this morning of the construction progress so far of our new school hall. This afternoon a completely different picture unfolded, incredible progress in six hours!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

15/365 Tuesday Back in the swing of it all...

Well, today the students are back into it. This is what my desk looks like already, a little staged with the Treasure Hunt app on the ipad open but still. A pile of books to mark already, an ipod waiting for someone to pick it up and a little bit of desk space waiting for something to fill it up!

Monday, October 4, 2010

14/365 Monday 4th October 2010

First day back at school, we had the ipad, ipod and laptops out today to help remember passwords. Funny how many forget a couple of numbers over the two week break. After a lovely day with my class I went on to a QSITE Gold Coast meeting but was the only person there until 4.25 pm when my good friend Jenni was able to get there! We had a great chat about our online project, please contact me if you would like to get involved in exchanging postcards with a class in Australia. The goal is to practise using persuasive text in a worthwhile activity.

A lovely long cup of lemon iced tea to soothe my throat after a hot first day back at school.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

13/365 Last Sunday at end of the holiday

Tomorrow is the return to school, Term 4, 2010. Today, the last day we have to relax, my husband and I decided to move the furniture around so my computers have relocated from what was the study (and which has become somewhere to watch the telly) into our son's old room. He left home and joined the Navy so we only see him once in a blue moon (we still have the mattress for him to sleep on when he does visit.)

12/365 Saturday 2nd October 2010

A happy day spent wandering around the shops with my darling husband. We haven't had the time to do this for so long! We were looking for a seat to replace the bean bag our cat destroyed when it was accidentally locked into the study for a day! The damage could have been oh so much worse!!

11/365 Friday 1st October 2010

Sharing a global project that is starting as soon as we return to school tomorrow!

Friday was an exciting day, I am part of a small team in the QSITE Gold Coast chapter are re-establishing the branch, raising the profile of the organisation as a quality source of professional development in digital pedagogy. Friday was the day we offered our first holiday PD, labelled the guru session (see 24th September for the advertising flyer).

This photo is a montage of a number of photos I took through the day to allow those in my PLN unable to attend to share in what we were doing. If you would like to watch some of the UStream videos click HERE. Unfortunately mine and a couple of others did not save properly... maybe next time my words will go global!

To see more photos from the QSITE Gold Coast PD click HERE.